14 September 2011

"Here Comes Trouble" - Michael Moore's New Book Has Landed!

This post is pratically the sequel to our recent Michael Moore related one "Here Comes Trouble - Michael Moore's New Book Is Arriving Soon!" Which is cool as we do love sequels here at LoupDargent.info....


Loup Dargent

Opening Day ...a note from Michael Moore

September 13th, 2011

Friends ...

Today's the day! So many months -- and years -- of one's life go into writing a book, and then one day, if you're lucky, it's placed on the shelves of a bookstore (and now, in the new century, it is converted to ones and zeroes downloaded onto your e-reading device).

Opening day for a book is a different animal than for a movie or an album. There is no red carpet. There is no discussion of grosses. It is simply one person here, another person there, picking it up, leafing through it, and starting to read it. Quietly, alone -- and then, there's a sigh, a tear, a smile, a laugh and suddenly you're having an experience like no other. That is reading: it exhilarates, inspires, infuriates, comforts, and, most of all, through words, creates images, thoughts, and ideas in your head that only you can conceive. They are yours, not the author's, and by having them, you are now part of this book and part of everyone else who is reading it.

I spent the better part of this past year writing what I knew were a bunch of intense, wild, goofy and great stories -- and when I was done, I thought, "People will like this!" I can't wait 'til you read it.
If you want to read a sample chapter, here's one that the publisher has posted, a story about an incident that happened when I was in 8th grade.

There's also an excerpt (a condensed version of the first story in the book) that the Guardian ran.

And last night, the publisher posted a story for free from the audio book. It's called "A Blessing." One day my priest wanted me to hear HIS confession -- and that is the story I tell. If you have 14 minutes, give it a listen -- and I hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me when I finished writing it.

Just a reminder of how you can get HERE COMES TROUBLE:

1. Shop at your indie bookstore or order from them online.

3. Get a signed first edition and help out my home state's economy.

4. eReaders: Kindle and Nook.

5. Audiobook is available on iTunes and Audible.

6. And finally, it's at your local library. Support your library -- it's one of our last bastions against the forces of ignorance gripping the country.

Also, please check out my website each day during the book tour where I'll be blogging and saying things best left unsaid.

Hope to see you on the tour! Tonight, 7pm, in Union Square (New York City) at Barnes & Noble, Thursday night at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston, Saturday night at UC-Berkeley, and Sunday in Vancouver (more dates to come!).

Be well.

Michael Moore

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