3 December 2011

Three Fun Election Games You Can Play At Home

As the country begins to head into 2012, the US elections are certainly heating up. Nevertheless, in the meantime there are still many tough political decisions to face. Given the recent news that the senate has rejected a plan to give workers across the country a payroll tax cut, it could certainly appear that 2012, and the subsequent elections, will be a miserable time for all where money is tight and spirits are low. However, that needn’t necessarily be the case – there are many ways you can inject a sense of fun into the elections. If you want to lighten the mood around your own house, try playing one of these great election games that get the whole family involved.

Word Search – Presidential Edition
This is a great game to get kids involved with as it will also improve their letters and words skills. Create a board with a maze of what appear to be random letters in it, hiding certain words that are related to the elections within it. These words can be spelt forwards, backwards, vertically, horizontally and diagonally to make the game more interesting. Time players to find as many words as they can in one minute and the player with the most words at the end wins the game.

Election Monopoly
This may take some time to create the board, but once you have you will get hours of fun out of it! A spin on the classic board game Monopoly, this game replaces the areas of London with key states in the US. The players choose their favorite politician (they may not necessarily be running in this election, but that doesn’t really matter for the purposes of the game) and have to move around the board, ‘buying’ certain states and votes – just make sure you teach any children playing that buying votes is not part of the democratic process! You can even adapt the ‘chance’ and ‘community chest’ cards to make them election themed – for example, rather than ‘you win second prize in a beauty contest’ you could have ‘you came second in the Iowa caucuses’. Players can even dress up in their favorite election 2012 shirt to make the game more fun!

Presidential Jeopardy
Much like the TV game show of the same name, your contestants choose a particular politician or party and are asked to answer a number of questions on them. Whoever has the most points at the end of the rounds is the winner, although you can make the game more difficult by throwing in ‘brain buster’ questions. These are questions chosen by you that can be about ANY political figure in American history, adding an element of surprise to the game!

About today's Guest Writer:
Dona Collins has been into politics for past 5 years, she wears an election 2012 shirt which says vote for Ron Paul. When free you can find her doing infographic, concept art and other design related work.
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