22 October 2013

Top 5 Best MMORPG Games For 2013

There's no denying that the MMORPG genre has been in a sort of renaissance as of late. Not only are many of the best older MMOs going free to play, there are also many new MMOs being released. Despite this, there are many games that manage to set themselves apart from the others.

5) EVE Online

It's not accurate to call this a "2013 MMO" since the game has been out for 10 years. However, this is no ordinary MMO. EVE is a space simulation game with the most robust economic system ever. Its depth is unparalleled, and because of that, the game is extremely rewarding in a way that other MMOs aren't. EVE is one of the most unusual MMOs out there, and even now there is no other game that reproduces its gameplay.

4) Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is also a game that wasn't released in 2013. Actually, it was made free to play in 2013, which is why it's on our list now. Although some criticism was leveled at the quests, the game has received praise for its incredibly detailed recreation of the Star Wars universe as well as the voice acting and content. This game is a must for Star Wars fans, and anyone looking for an MMORPG that masterfully refines MMO gameplay should play it.

3) Age of Wushu

Age of Wushu is an oddity. It's the most popular MMO in China and has only recently made its way to the west. It has received praise for its gameplay, which is a unique blend of martial arts action. In addition, much of the praise is also directed at the game making full use of its sandbox. Age of Wushu does so much different, including not having classes or level caps, that it's worth checking out for the creativity alone.

2) Planetside 2

Planetside 2 is the much anticipated sequel to Sony's smash hit Planetside. The original was a MMOFPS that offered players a constantly changing world in the midst of war. The gameplay was comparable to a very large game of Battlefield, with vehicles being available and capturing bases being a very large part of the game. Planetside 2 refines that gameplay, giving players more of the same. If you enjoyed the first Planetside, there's no doubt that you will love the second.

1) Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars is one of the most popular MMOs ever, only being overtaken by the likes of World of Warcraft. Not only does Guild Wars 2 improve the gameplay of the first, it retains what made it great. The game doesn't have a monthly fee, and you just have to buy it once to play forever. The support is great, and the new races and classes improve on the customization of the first game. Any MMO fan needs to play this game.

As it stands, those are the five MMORPGs most worthy of your time. We'll see what changes once the bigger titles come out, especially The Elder Scrolls: Online which has just published a new trailer for sorcerer class. However, at the moment, those games are the pinnacle of what an MMORPG should be, and it's definitely worth checking them out.

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About Today's Guest Writer
Robert Carmac is a longtime video game enthusiast. He is primarily a PC Gamer, although he dabbles in consoles from time to time. His favorite game is Half-Life and he has written articles including eso guide for various gaming blogs.

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