Catholic zealots in the Philippines re-enacted the last hours of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, whipping their backs and nailing themselves to crosses in a grisly Easter ritual that persists despite Church disapproval. Foreign and local tourists flocked to the outskirts of the city of San Fernando, a…
29 March 2013
AFP, All Posts, Easter Related, Miscellaneous, News Related, Religion Related
Philippines marks Easter with bloody mock crucifixions (via AFP)
Philippines marks Easter with bloody mock crucifixions
Catholic zealots in the Philippines re-enacted the last hours of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, whipping their backs and nailing themselves to crosses in a grisly Easter ritual that persists despite Church disapproval. Foreign and local tourists flocked to the outskirts of the city of San Fernando, a 90-minute drive from Manila, to see the annual spectacle where a Christian "passion play" is taken to its blood-soaked extreme. At least 18 men had nails driven through their hands and were hung up on crosses under the hot sun in vacant plots around the city.
Philippines marks Easter with bloody mock crucifixions
Loup Dargent
AFP|All Posts|Easter Related|Miscellaneous|News Related|Religion Related|