2 June 2013

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Cats are Equal Opportunity Affection Givers [Infographic]

Cats are equal opportunity affection givers. Cats love their humans regardless of whether those humans are rich or poor, young or old, or any color of the rainbow. Cats give affection on their own terms, however. What are some of the primary manifestations of kitty affection?

Cat (Photo credit: @Doug88888)
Cats are equal opportunity affection givers. Cats love their humans regardless of whether those humans are rich or poor, young or old, or any color of the rainbow. Cats give affection on their own terms, however.

What are some of the primary manifestations of kitty affection?

Purring: Purring is a vibrating noise produced by the rapid constriction and dilation of the feline glottis. Many scientists will argue that purring has absolutely nothing to do with expressing affection. Every cat owner knows these scientists are wrong.

Kneading: Cats knead by pushing their paws on an alternating basis up against a soft surface. This is the same movement they performed as kittens while suckling. When a cat kneads in your presence, the cat is indicating that he or she is relaxed, secure and unguarded in your presence. Aren't these states among the deepest manifestations of love?

Bunting: Cats have scent glands in the skin of their foreheads, cheeks, lips and tails. When they love you enough to feel proprietary about you, they will bunt you with their heads to indicate that you are their property. Think of this activity as the olfactory equivalent of a man giving his future bride a diamond ring to mark her as his territory.

Face rubbing is closely related to bunting. When your cat rubs your face with his or her face, it's a sign of great trust.

Rolling: Your cat is a predator who knows that the sensitive underbelly is the most vulnerable part of his or her body. When a cat lays down at your feet and rolls on his or her back, exposing the belly, this indicates that the cat trusts you as a friend who would not dream of taking advantage of this situation in a hostile manner.

Gifts: Human companions of outdoor cats frequently open their doors to find eviscerated prey on their doormats. As disgusting as this sight may be, it's a sign of deep devotion on your cat's part. Your cat feels sorry for you because clearly you are incapable of chasing down tasty mice or other vermin on your own. "Don't worry!" your cat is saying to you. "I'll do it for you, and you won't starve."

Why Do We Love Cats So Much?
Source: Why Do We Love Cats So Much?

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