1 May 2012

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19 Types of Christians [Infographic]

What do you think of when you think of a Christian? Do you picture somebody in a suit and tie voicing a prayer in King James English? Or maybe you imagine a monk in robe chanting ancient songs as he shuffles silently through a monastery. Perhaps you even imagine a hippie playing a guitar in park as he lets passersby know that "Jesus is so groovy". All of those descripions would be correct. Just as the world is filled with all different types of people, Christianity is filled with a wide variety of Christians. Gone are the days of easily recognizing a Christian on the street by the dour expression and Bible tucked under the arm. Instead, Christians can look like pretty much anybody. While not exhaustive, here is an pointedly honest and occasionally humorous list of 19 different types of Christians that covers many of the viewpoints, lifestyles, and behaviors of professed followers of Christ.

What do you think of when you think of a Christian? Do you picture somebody in a suit and tie voicing a prayer in King James English? Or maybe you imagine a monk in robe chanting ancient songs as he shuffles silently through a monastery. Perhaps you even imagine a hippie playing a guitar in park as he lets passers by know that "Jesus is so groovy". All of those descripions would be correct.

Just as the world is filled with all different types of people, Christianity is filled with a wide variety of Christians. Gone are the days of easily recognizing a Christian on the street by the dour expression and Bible tucked under the arm. Instead, Christians can look like pretty much anybody.

While not exhaustive, here is an pointedly honest and occasionally humorous list of 19 different types of Christians that covers many of the viewpoints, lifestyles, and behaviors of professed followers of Christ.

19 Types of Christians

About today's Infographic:
This infographic was provided by: Online Christian Colleges

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