10 February 2017

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Discipline Kellyanne Conway For Violating Federal Ethics Rules [Petition]

The Message to Office of Government Ethics and U.S. General Service Administration : "Kellyanne Conway must be disciplined for using her public position as counselor to the President of the United States to promote the private commercial interests of the President's daughter"

Another day, another email about the current White House's Administration...

No surprise, really, as it seems that so-called President Donald Trump and the members of  his team keep doing their best (or is it their worst?) to look/sound stupid on a daily basis.

On the bright side, some of the people who didn't care about politics a few months ago are now interested again. Silver lining and all that...

Anyway, today's email is from our friends at the Daily Kos. As usual, feel free to read it and act accordingly.

Thanks in advance

Stay safe!

Loup Dargent

Click here to read recent Guardian's article about Conway

The Email:

On February 9, Kellyanne Conway—counselor to President Trump—went on Fox News, and with the White House seal in the background urged viewers repeatedly to buy Ivanka Trump's clothing line.

This is a blatant violation under federal law.

§ 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.
An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity ...
We now have a White House whose publicly paid employees go around promoting the commercial interests of the President's family members. 

Congressman Elijah Cummings called this a "textbook violation" of ethics laws and recommended that it be referred the Office of Government Ethics.

Sign the petition to the Office of Government Ethics and U.S. General Services Administration: Discipline Kellyanne Conway for violating federal ethics rules.

Keep fighting,
Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos"

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