27 November 2013

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The Fall of the Eleventh Doctor: 5 First Signs of Greatness

I still remember when David Tennant announced his retirement from the Doctor, thinking, “Well, that’s that then.” The announcement of Matt Smith as the new Doctor did not fill me with confidence. He was too young, I thought. He can’t pull off the intensity of Eccleston or the passion of Tennant. Who was to be left to the fan girls, and I spent many a night beweeping my outcast fate. Before his second episode ended, Matt Smith had proved me wrong. And so I give you, in some but not much particular order, “Five First Signs of Greatness.” As this is a personal list and far from scientific fact, it is not up for debate. I would, however, love to hear from you about which episodes were the ones that made you a Matt Smith fan. [...]

While the following syndicated article from www.throughacitygeekly.com was written before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special was aired (on a global scale and all), I do believe that it is actually still a very timely (and interesting) written piece as it is about Matt Smith leaving the TV show and how the writer of this post warmed up to the Eleventh Doctor.


Loup Dargent

The Fall of the Eleventh: 5 First Signs of Greatness (via www.throughacitygeekly.com)
This year, midnight will strike Eleven as we bid farewell to Matt Smith and welcome Peter Capaldi as the Doctor in TV’s timeless (sorry) Doctor Who. I’ve been through this before: the shock, the anger, the bargaining, more anger and tears, then…

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