Showing posts with label Malala Yousafzai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malala Yousafzai. Show all posts

19 October 2018

Malala Fund and Tech Startup Build Free Fundraising Technology for Nonprofits

Nobel laureate, Malala Yousafzai
Nobel laureate, Malala Yousafzai
Malala Fund—a nonprofit organization co-founded by Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai that advocates globally for girls' education—teamed up with tech startup Give Lively to build "Simple Widget", a new state-of-the-art donation widget that provides an elevated donation experience nonprofits can take advantage of directly on their own websites. Simple Widget is now available for free to 501(c)(3) organizations. 
Successful fundraising through digital platforms has become critical for most nonprofits, but especially for organizations like Malala Fund whose supporters primarily interact with them online. "We wanted to give particular focus to enhancing and streamlining the donor experience," explains Hannah Orenstein, Digital Manager at Malala Fund. "As soon as supporters learn about our mission and are compelled to give, it's important that they are able to do so as quickly, easily and as securely as possible."
Give Lively is a philanthropist-funded startup in New York City that is disrupting the nonprofit space by building innovative fundraising tech and giving it away to nonprofits for free. "We loved that the Give Lively team was nonprofit driven and not necessarily 'business' driven," says Orenstein.
"Malala Fund's digital team came to us with an idea to improve their donor experience and we knew we could build something that would have a broader impact," explains Brooke Currence, Vice President of Marketing at Give Lively, noting that effective fundraising tech was critical for Malala Fund but also for the entire nonprofit sector. "This collaboration led to a solution that will ultimately help nonprofits of all sizes raise funding they need to fulfill their mission without sacrificing their means."
Simple Widget is built with mobile-first design and features like Apple Pay and Google Pay which allow donors to get through the donation process as seamlessly as possible by reducing payment to a single tap. Nonprofits can customize Simple Widget to fit their brand and easily embed onto their websites. Simple Widget is now added to Give Lively's suite of always-free fundraising products, technology that is otherwise prohibitively expensive for most nonprofits.
Visit to see the technology in action.
Give Lively's Simple Widget on Malala Fund's website is built with mobile-first design and features that allow donors to get through the donation process as seamlessly as possible.
Give Lively's Simple Widget on Malala Fund's website is built with mobile-first design and features that allow donors to get through the donation process as seamlessly as possible.
About Give Lively:
Give Lively is a New York City tech startup disrupting the nonprofit online fundraising space by building innovative fundraising tech and giving it away to nonprofits for free. Give Lively's philanthropist founders cover their operating costs so they can build best-in-class tech to empower nonprofits to raise more online. 

Nonprofits have unlimited access to Give Lively's Forever Free and always evolving fundraising tech, like Text-to-Donate, Peer-to-Peer, Embeddable Widgets, Event Ticketing, Video Storytelling and more. Thousands of nonprofits rely on Give Lively technology to fundraise. 

To learn more, visit

SOURCE: Give Lively
Related Video:

9 March 2018

Malala Yousafzai joining Islamic Relief Canada to support Girls' Education

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai (CNW Group/Islamic Relief Canada)
Canada's largest Muslim charity, Islamic Relief Canada, will host Malala Yousafzai for the first time at a fundraising gala in April.
The Nobel Peace Prize recipient is uniting with Islamic Relief Canada to raise funds for Girls' Education projects around the world. 
As a recipient of many humanitarian awards, the youngest Nobel Peace Laureate in 2014, and an honorary Canadian citizen, the now 20-year-old will be coming to Toronto to promote girls' rights to free, safe and equal access to continuous education.
Malala is intimately familiar with the challenges faced by girls around the world as they try to seek an education. She is the author of I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. 
At only 16 years of age, she received standing ovations for her moving speech on Girls' Education at the United Nations in 2013. 
Zaid al Rawni, CEO of  Islamic Relief Canada says:
"It is a great honor to host Malala Yousafzai here in Toronto. We, at Islamic Relief Canada, know that at the heart of our work is our unwavering commitment to empowering women and girls. One key component of this is that together we must ensure that every girl is given access and the right to an education. Malala Yousafzai will share her story with Canadians on April 12th and encourage all Canadians to support Girls' Education initiatives around the world."

Reyhana Patel, Head of Public Relations at Islamic Relief Canada says:
Around 800 people are expected to attend the event which takes places on April 12th at 5:30pm inToronto, Ontario. Tickets are on sale to the public and can be purchased at: 

Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity that aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. We are members of the Humanitarian Coalition – an umbrella body for NGOs in Canada whose members are also PLAN, Oxfam, Oxfam-Quebec, CARE, Save the Children and the Canadian Lutheran World Relief.

SOURCE: Islamic Relief Canada

15 April 2016

Canada: Malala Yousafzai Honoured By Toronto Charity Daughters For Life

The Daughters for Life Foundation 4th Gala Dinner, 2016 - Peace and empowerment through education. On Wednesday, May 25 the DFL Gala will honour Malala Yousafzai, the youngest ever Nobel Peace prize winner, for her courage promoting education for girls. Other awardees include Maria Campbell, Stephen Lewis and Michele Landsberg. (CNW Group/ International Insurance)
Every year, Toronto charity Daughters for Life (DFL) honours individuals who have made significant contributions to promoting the rights of girls and women around the world. This year, at its 4th annual Gala, DFL will be celebrating the achievements of Malala Yousafzai, the global icon for girls' education and the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Malala will be receiving the Courage and Inspiration Luminary Award for her ongoing campaign for education for girls in her native Pakistan. 

In addition to Malala, First Nations writer and playwright Maria Campbell, best known for her groundbreaking book Halfbreed, will be awarded the Trailblazer Luminary Award. 

For the first time, the Life Achievement Luminary award will go to a couple, Michele Landsberg and Stephen Lewis, for their joint efforts in advocating for the rights of girls and women.
"I'm delighted that so many wonderful people will be joining us this year," says Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, founder of Daughters for Life. "This is shaping up to be our most exciting gala ever, but more than that, it is creating a groundswell of interest around a constructive dialogue for peace in the Middle East, one focused on girls' education and the critical role that girls and women play in improving the lives of their countries, communities and families."
Dr. Abuelaish, now living in Canada, was a Palestinian doctor who practiced formal medicine in Israel. Already a celebrity for his work in using health as a bridge for peacebuilding, Dr. Abuelaish had been interviewed by Life & Style and People Magazine. Then in 2009, his three daughters and a niece were killed in the conflict in Gaza. 

He chose to transform his grief into purpose and has received global recognition for his book, "I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity".

Also at the event will be Shlomi Eldar, the Arab affairs journalist who was the first to speak to Dr. Abuelaish after the attack. Well-known radio personality, Erin Davis, the host of the Morning Show on 98.1 CHFI will MC the gala.

The DFL Gala dinner will be held on May 25th, 2016 at the Carlu in downtown Toronto. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please visit

The Premier Sponsor for the gala is the International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC), Canada's leading English language school. Gomberg Mediation Solutions Inc. is the Gold Sponsor, followed by Spin Master at the Silver Level.

About Daughters for Life
The Daughters for Life Foundation is a registered Canadian charity that provides scholarships and other programs to young women from the Middle East to help them achieve their potential, irrespective of ethnic or religious background.

10 January 2015

#JeSuisCharlie - March With Paris


 Dear friends, 

Hundreds of thousands will march through the streets of Paris tomorrow to support the beautiful French values of equality, fraternity and liberty -- and we can be there with them.

The entire world will be watching what happens as people take to the streets in response to the brutal murder of twelve people on Wednesday. Counter protests are planned, Europe’s far-right are mobilising throughout France, and two Muslim places of worship have already been attacked. This is just what the gunmen wanted: division and fear.

21 December 2014

Honour Pakistan's Children -- Huge Response!

A band of men walked into a school in Pakistan and massacred over 100 kids. These Taliban extremists see education as a threat and the best way to respond to their heinous crime is to meet their attack with a global call to get every child in school

[ Confirmed! UN Special Envoy on Education will deliver our call to the Pakistan Prime Minister within days. Click to join the campaign now before they speak -- let's make this the biggest call for education for all ever! ]

8 October 2013

11 July 2013

Let's Stand With Malala To End The Education Emergency!


The Taliban shot 15-year-old Malala in the head for her education activism. But she survived, helped win education for all girls in Pakistan, and will address the UN in 3 days asking leaders to agree to put every child on the planet in school, a shockingly achievable goal. Let's stand with her, and call for education for all... 

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