Showing posts with label Spider-Man Related. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spider-Man Related. Show all posts

10 August 2016

Who Are Spider-Man’s Greatest Opponents?

In the realm of superhero comics, it’s probably fair to say that no hero has a more recognizable lineup of opposing villains than Batman. The Joker, Riddler, and Penguin are all household names for anyone even the vaguest interest in popular fiction, and they’ve all been immortalized in animated and live action films alike. And those are just the heavy hitters! Batman has many more antagonists who, frankly, are more interesting and more well known than anyone the Avengers have faced in a film thus far.

But if there’s a silver medal for superhero with the best villains, it probably goes to Marvel’s lovable, web-slinging Spider-Man. There’s always been a colorful cast of baddies associated with this teenage superhero, to the point that it’s difficult to argue which is his main opponent. But that’s just what fans are beginning to do, as we gear up for the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and the beginning of a new superhero series.

3 January 2016

What Superheroes Looked Like In 2015

The ubiquitous superhero finally seems to be growing up and moving on. Eneas De Troya
By Liam Burke, Swinburne University of Technology

The Golden Age of Comic Book Filmmaking began in 2000 when Bryan Singer’s X-Men (2000) dragged superheroes to the centre of popular culture. Today superpowered protagonists are as familiar to cinemagoers as sticky floors and popcorn.

Such awareness saw studios in 2015 going bigger (Avengers: Age of Ultron), smaller (Ant-Man), or back to the beginning (the erroneously-titled Fantastic Four) to reinvigorate the genre.

Somewhere between the mash-ups and redundant reboots, more interesting work has started to emerge. The comic book adaptation, like all good teenagers, is demonstrating new-found maturity. So let us take a look back at the trends and triumphs of this year in superheroes.

22 December 2013

Suitable Day Jobs For Superheroes [Infographic]


In the following infographic, the peeps from have a light-hearted look at the most suitable everyday jobs for their favorite superheroes in case, one day, the world has become crime and war free at last (as, obviously, those super-beings would find themselves with nothing to do and, like the rest of us, would need to get a day job). 

Just in case, you know...


Loup Dargent

3 October 2013

My Favorite 3 Comic Book Super Villains

Fantastic Four #5 (July 1962), Doctor Doom's f...
Fantastic Four #5 (July 1962), Doctor Doom's first appearance. (Wikipedia)
In our world of crime and villainy, it is good to be able to enter a world where the villains are evil but acceptable because of their evil. Comic book writers have created some brilliant superheroes over the years, and they have also created some brilliant super villains. These villains are truly evil, and we know it, but how many of them would you want to be locked away in a prison or killed? Probably none of them, they are as much a part of the enjoyment as the heroes themselves. Totally over the top, they are loved as much as Batman and Superman. 

Below are a few of my favorite human villains from comics over the years.

6 March 2013

15 October 2012

Stan Lee Media Sues Disney for 5.5 Billion Dollars.


In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Inc., a comic franchise, and all of its properties for 4.3 billion dollars. Marvel's primary asset was its rights to the roster of fictional characters created by Stan Lee. Rather than idly sitting on the income potential available through the Marvel acquisition, The Walt Disney company instead took advantage of their newly purchased rights to produce many profitable franchises. The movies "The Avengers," "Thor," "The Amazing Spider-Man," and "X-Men: First Class" made more than 3.5 billion dollars at the box office while other merchandising such as "Spider Man Turn Off the Dark" tickets are estimated to be worth around 2 billion dollars. "The Avengers" grossed over $1.5 billion in box office receipts in 2012. Now, many years later, Stan Lee Media Inc., a company that Stan Lee no longer has a position with, has filed a complaint against The Walt Disney Company alleging that they are in fact the true owners of the rights to the characters developed by Stan Lee.

28 August 2012

Spider-Man Over The Last 50 Years [Infographic]

This month our favourite wall-crawling, neighbourhood friendly Spider-Man turns 50 and this infographic takes a look back at his illustrious past.

The very first appearance of Spider-Man was in Amazing Fantasy #15 a comic that would later go on to sell for more than $1.1million. Since then we have seen many variation of the classic spandex and latex suit.

Also over the years Spider-Man has had a number of love interests, with the main two being Gwen Stacy and Mary-Jane Watson.

Spider-Man was so popular around the world that four feature films have been produce over the last ten years with each one taking well over $600 million each.

Finally take a look at some of the famous faces who have also appeared alongside Spider-Man in the comic books. President Barack Obama being the most recent and others including Jay Leno.

What has been your favourite Spider-Man comic or storyline? Do you have a favourite suit or even a favourite villain? 

50 Years of Spider-man
Spider-Man Over The Last 50 Years

Previous Spider-Man Related Posts On

5 July 2012

The Superhero Reboot: The Story Of A Bat And A Spider...

If there is one type of film that gets 'rebooted' more than any other it is that which concerns itself with the superhero. Arguably a 'reboot' is little more than a euphemism for repackaging the same story, however as long as the public is willing to spend the cash to see them, they'll stick around. And besides, July 2012 has two huge reboots slated for release with action fans and geeks alike drooling in anticipation.


Well-loved and probably the most famous reboot in the superhero flick world, Batman is super cool. Ok, we're not talking about the shift from Adam West to Michael Keaton, though this was a major step in the genres evolution.

30 May 2012

10 Most Expensive Comic Books


Superheroes are big business. It’s currently impossible to visit a cinema without the latest comic book adaptation bearing down at you from the billboards. If it’s Avengers Assemble, that’s OK; when it’s Green Lantern...

One of the great pop culture successes of the 20th Century, comic books and their characters have rich and fascinating histories. Avid fans often respect the silver screen versions, but know nothing beats having a classic issue in your hands, if you have the cash. Here are the 10 Most Expensive Comic Books, whose values have soared like Superman.

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