31 December 2014

Freddy Schillinger Geek Player Profile


Freddy’s world is awash in numbers, both real, imaginary, and very very long. Most kids get a snowcone and they’re mainly concerned with whether to go blue (completely natural flavors) or rainbow. Freddy is deep in thought as to the crystalline make up of the individual ice crystals in near reductive symmetry and the overall cone shape as a reference model to a visible universe expanding in both time and space. Years of calculating pi to the 32nd place and practicing the quadratic equation to various show tunes such as BINGO have made him a master of all things numeric and equally earned him a top spot in the Fantasy Geeks game on Facebook. Let’s find out how Freddy “Exponent” Schillinger came up.

29 December 2014

The History of Icicle Lights


The beauty created from the sun illuminating the frozen water left behind during the winter season can now be enjoyed indoors by hanging icicle lights this holiday season. Whether one’s winter wonderland desires are more eccentric and desire shining artificial ice creations to gleam purple and pink through the holiday night, or prefer the natural glow of real ice, all these needs can be met with the huge selection of bulbs available in different styles.

The use of lighting has been employed as one of the most extravagant areas of holiday decorations for many decades. However, it was not until the 1990’s that this style of lamps joined the other available decorations.

28 December 2014

The Haunting on Colonel's Row


I have experienced two paranormal occurrences in my life. Thankfully I had witnesses at both events so doubts about my sanity can remain just doubts. 

I have now decided to put both down on paper.

Ten Things To Do Before Year End


We attach significance to the turning of the calendar, and when the calendar turns to a new year, it means more than learning to change a digit when we write a check – we’ve started a new chapter.

It is instructive for us to think about how we can get the most from the end of chapter 2014. Here are my ten recommendations for you:

22 December 2014

5 Stupid Things Bosses Do To Lose Employees


Racing toward success and a big bottom line often causes myopia, a condition where you can only see what is in front of you. If you are myopic, you are short- sighted. This condition is more than can be cured with a pair of glasses or contacts; it is about lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.

The British Christmas

Like most countries we begin planning for this holiday season well before the beginning of December. This includes making dinner plans with the extended family, collecting decorations, cleaning our houses from top to bottom, buying gifts for our friends and family, and sending Christmas cards to those across the globe. The atmosphere of love and joy is regenerated at Christmas time as old feuds are forgotten and family ties strengthened. 

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