11 January 2015

The Head Scarf: From Its Origins To Beyond


Before it became a highly popular fashion accessory, the head scarf was already an important and vital piece of clothing that women who abided by a certain code of dress due to their religious affiliation had to put on lest they be reprimanded. There are still countless women who must don this long piece of cloth to cover their hair, with some even being required to cover their entire head with only their faces or just their eyes being exposed, while there are many women who consider it nothing more than an optional accessory that they can choose to wear. 

US: History Of The James River

On May 17, 1607 an expedition of English explorers landed on the shores of Virginia after a charter was granted to the “Virginia Company” by King James the First. In keeping with the principals established under Queen Elizabeth the First, the English immediately “claimed” the land and set about renaming everything in sight, much to the considerable annoyance of the local Algonquin native Americans, who duly commenced a sporadic form of guerrilla warfare with the adventurous English settlers. 

10 January 2015

Story Of The Egg – Who Came First?


While we are on the way to discussing about the EGG, one of the basic and often asked questions is "Who came first: the chicken or the egg?" There is no clear inference towards the history of this wonderful thing called the Egg.According to the Bible, the chicken came first.It has been mentioned as "And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.And God said, 'Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.'" Genesis 1:10-20.

#JeSuisCharlie - March With Paris


 Dear friends, 

Hundreds of thousands will march through the streets of Paris tomorrow to support the beautiful French values of equality, fraternity and liberty -- and we can be there with them.

The entire world will be watching what happens as people take to the streets in response to the brutal murder of twelve people on Wednesday. Counter protests are planned, Europe’s far-right are mobilising throughout France, and two Muslim places of worship have already been attacked. This is just what the gunmen wanted: division and fear.

1952 - The Great London Smog


Smog is a problem that plagues cities across the world today. There are many contributing factors to smog including vehicular emissions, or high levels of smoke and sulfur dioxide caused by large amounts of burning coal. This dingy cloud that hangs over many cities can be the cause of many health concerns. Smog can trigger asthma attacks and cause respiratory irritation. On a few occasions smog has been deadly.

9 January 2015

How To Teach A Parrot To Talk


Parrots are amazing birds and make wonderful pets. They are also great entertainers with their singing and talking. Almost all parrot owners at some point will want to teach their parrot to talk. That is a given. Well, it’s not that hard anyway. Anyone can teach a parrot to talk using these simple methods.

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