13 November 2016

Arrival Review: First-Contact Film Finds New Way To Explore The 'Otherness' Of Aliens

Amy Adams and the weird pods. Paramount Pictures
By Emily Alder, Edinburgh Napier University
Spoiler alert: don’t read on if you don’t want to know what happens
Denis Villeneuve’s alien movie Arrival, which has just reached cinemas, is the latest in a long sci-fi tradition of “first contact” narratives. Twelve seed-like pods appear across the world, causing a global crisis when they hatch, as world leaders argue over what to do about them. Is it better to strike pre-emptively before they destroy civilisation or risk trying to communicate with them in the hope they come in peace?

The challenge for Villeneuve and anyone in this genre is how to portray the “otherness” of these visitors. There’s little that hasn’t been done before, of course, from green men to insectoids to red blobs – frequently thinly disguised versions of invaders from the East. This often goes hand in hand with the America Saves the World narrative, Independence Day (1996) being one of the classic examples.

But if sci-fi has had its fair share of clumsy metaphors, it is hard to depict the truly alien when all stories come from human imagination – and hard to represent them without some reference to the human. As the researcher Sherryl Vint has put it, sci-fi must:
achieve the delicate balance of enough familiarity such that alien can be comprehensible to the human readers, but still incorporate enough alterity in the text such that the alien also pushes us to conceive of the world and ourselves otherwise.
How alien should an alien be?
Edwin Abbott’s 1884 novel Flatland addressed this question of whether the human imagination can escape its own limits to imagine something unimaginably different. Not a conventional sci-fi story, it is about a character in a two-dimensional world whose reality is drastically challenged when he discovers there are three dimensions. Representing aliens is exactly that kind of problem.

Part of the challenge is that efforts to communicate otherness risk losing their effectiveness if they are overplayed. This is one reason sci-fi often doesn’t show the creatures until well into a film – Arrival being no exception.

Some of the most effective narratives avoid representing their aliens as much as possible. In HP Lovecraft tales like The Call of Cthulu (1928), cosmic horrors resist description: they are unspeakable and indescribable – and the imagination must fill in the gaps as best it can. Ridley Scott doesn’t go quite this far in Alien (1979), but understands that his creature is more frightening and convincing in partial glimpses – usually of its dripping jaws – than when shown in its entirety.

In Arrival, Denis Villeneuve’s approach is to be careful in the representation of his aliens. The film’s characters barely use that word, tending to refer to them as “they”. The first glimpses suggest squid-like bodies, floating in a low-gravity mist. At first it is not clear whether these are entire bodies or the hands of something more giant – more complete views later in the film suggest something in between. The creatures are dubbed “heptapods” for their seven “feet”, though different feet have different purposes.

The language barrier
I’ve seen far worse representations of alien creatures, but where Arrival becomes really interesting in portraying otherness is in the language of the visitors. Other sci-fi efforts to communicate with aliens have ranged from universal translators like the ones in Star Trek; to the Babel fish in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; or a common lingua franca like Star Wars’s Basic.

In Arrival, the American authorities call on Louise Banks (Amy Adams), an academic linguistics expert, to come to Montana – mirrored by communication efforts by linguistics experts in other countries around the world. In Montana it becomes clear that unless Louise succeeds, the physicist Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) can’t begin to answer his analytical questions about the creatures.

Their speech, if that’s what it is, consists of clicks and booms that are never deciphered. Understanding them depends on what is visible, particularly the inky circles of their written language. Unlike English words which describe spoken sounds, these circles are ideograms, symbols directly representing ideas or things. And when Louise and Ian observe that their grammar shows no markers of time direction, they begin to speculate that the creatures’ brains may be wired very differently to ours.

We later discover that the written circles are bound up with the creatures’ ability to see into the future, and that as Louise learns their language, she can see into the future, too. Villeneuve makes full use of film’s capacity to flash seamlessly forward and back - we do not at first realise that we are being shown the future instead of the past. It becomes clear that Louise’s life problems are unusually bound up with the Arrival event.

Louise greets the visitors. Paramount Pictures

Debate rages between governments about how to respond to the creatures, amid civil unrest and global tensions, with Russia and China particularly twitchy. Louise argues that the creatures may not know the difference between a weapon and a tool. As another character observes: if you only give someone a hammer, everything becomes a nail.

Ultimately, Arrival is less about communicating with the aliens than with each other – internationally but also individually. Louise’s gradual understanding of what it means to experience time like her alien acquaintances will be central to how she lives her future. The gift for her and the rest of the world is to a glimpse a distinctively different way of being.

The film’s message is that difference is not about body shape or colour but language, culture and ways of thinking. It’s not about erasing that difference but communicating through it. This is what achieves the balance of familiarity and otherness that alien films depend upon – and it’s what makes Arrival one of the more memorable contributions to the genre in recent years. And without entirely giving the ending away, it’s not the Americans that come up with the right way forward, but a more unexpected country.

The Conversation
About Today's Contributor
Emily Alder, Lecturer in Literature and Culture, Edinburgh Napier University

This article was originally published on The Conversation.

12 November 2016

YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE Makes Its TV Debut; Airing Saturday, November 12th On Disney XD

(from left) Hovernyan, Nathaniel, Whisper and Nate - who have traveled back in time - are preparing to fight evil. (PRNewsFoto/LEVEL-5 abby Inc.)
YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE, the first English-language film based on the global phenomenon YO-KAI WATCH, will make its U.S. television debut on Saturday, November 12, LEVEL-5 abby Inc. announced today. 
The film, which recently received a limited theatrical run, features the voice talent of the hit show YO-KAI WATCHcurrently airing its second season on Disney XDYO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE debuts at 9:00 AM ET/PT on Saturday, November 12 on Disney XD, and will have encore performances on Sunday, November 13 at 5:00 PM ET/PT and Monday, November 14 at 3:45 PM ET/PT.
YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE follows Nate Adams and his Yo-kai friends, Whisper and Jibanyan, as they're transported to the past to help Nate's grandfather, Nathaniel, battle evil Yo-kai and invent the Yo-kai Watch. YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE also introduces a new Yo-kai — Hovernyan, a floating blue cat who is Nathaniel's heroic companion. 
Cinema Blend calls the film "a fun and fast watch that makes for some entertaining excitement," and Anime News Network says YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE is "a funny and heartwarming comedy-adventure."
Nate and Hovernyan make for a formidable duo! (PRNewsFoto/LEVEL-5 abby Inc.)
To celebrate the film's TV debut, LEVEL-5 abby Inc. will make the second season of the YO-KAI WATCH animated series available for free on YouTube for a limited time. Starting with the first five episodes on Monday, November 14, episodes will be added throughout the month to the official YO-KAI WATCH YouTube channel, culminating on Wednesday, November 30. Each episode on the YouTube channel will also feature special QR codes that can be scanned into the best-selling new Nintendo 3DS games YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spiritsand YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls, as well as codes for the iOS and Android apps YO-KAI WATCH Landand YO-KAI WATCH Wibble Wobble.
Fans will also be able to collect secret passwords hidden in each episode, which can be entered at the official YO-KAI WATCH website for a chance to enter a sweepstakes to win one of more than a thousand prizes, including exclusive Hovernyan "YO-MOTION" MEDALS. One grand prize winner will receive a prize package including, Nintendo 3DS games, Hasbro toys and a one-of-a-kind prize: a custom voice greeting from their favorite Yo-kai!  For more details on the sweepstakes, fans can visit the official YO-KAI WATCH website.
"We are thrilled that our amazing partners at Disney XD will be bringing YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE to television for all of our fans to enjoy,Yukari Hayakawa, Chief Operating Officer, LEVEL-5 abby Inc., said. "With the second season of the TV show, the best-selling new Nintendo 3DS games, our popular iOS and Android apps and now YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE, American YO-KAI WATCH fans have an entire world of hilarious, action-packed adventures to explore."
New episodes from the second season of YO-KAI WATCH are currently airing on Disney XD, every Saturday at 8:30 AM ET/PT. Immediately before the debut of YO-KAI WATCH: THE MOVIE on Saturday, November 12, the premiere of the new episode "Whisper's Secret Past" explores the secret origins of Nate's beloved Yo-kai butler for the very first time.
Enter a sweepstakes to win one of more than a thousand prizes, including exclusive Hovernyan "YO-MOTION" MEDALS! (PRNewsFoto/LEVEL-5 abby Inc.)

YO-KAI WATCH is a cross-media universe, following the hilarious misadventures of an average human boy and his involvement with the mischievous Yo-kai (invisible beings that are the cause of life's daily annoyances) all around him. Our young hero obtains a special watch, empowering him to discover and summon the mysterious Yo-kai, befriend them and then work together to solve everyday problems… problems that are often caused by other trouble-making Yo-kai! Discover the adventures of Nate and his Yo-kai companions via video game, animated comedy series, comics, toys and video on demand. 

View full episodes on the official YO-KAI WATCH YouTube channel and visit the official website, as well as follow YO-KAI WATCH on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

The Movie Trailer:

11 November 2016

The World Vs Donald Trump


Dear friends,

The unimaginable has happened. President Trump. 

And worse, there are Trumps in every town. Threatening all our democracies. 

What's most important now is to build a global movement to stop them. You and over 2 million Avaazers have signed the open letter, below, from the world to Trump, and it's been covered across major media. Now it's a manifesto for the next 4 years -- one that will run as a full page ad in major papers and project onto Trump Tower in New York. 

Help it become an even more powerful message by sharing it widely:

Dear Mr. Trump, 

This is not what greatness looks like. 

The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you. 

Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding. 

As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division. 



Sometimes in the darkest moments the brightest lights shine. Let's make Trump a force that brings the world together, to fight for everything we love.

With hope, 

Loup Dargent
On behalf of Ricken, Alice, Emma, Christoph and the whole Avaaz team. 

PS - Here's a letter with some more thoughts on the moment we're in, and the plan going forward:

We wanted to write from the heart about what just happened in the US, and what's happening around the world.

The shock is justified - the most powerful nation in the world will be led by a breathtakingly ignorant, bigoted, violent, pathologically lying, sexually predatory, vengeful, authoritarian, corrupt reality TV star. Those aren't insults, they're facts.

How is democracy coming to this? How do we deal with it? We want to offer 5 points:

  1. Acceptance - we can't wisely change anything about the world or ourselves if we don't first accept it. So take a deep breath, and let's face it. President Trump. And Trumpism striving for power in many of our countries.

  2. Holistic Evaluation - I can't find a better phrase for this idea, but our brains have a deep negativity bias. We are easily overwhelmed by fearful focus on the negative, and we make awful judgments when we are. This is how demagogues rise. We can't let it happen to us. So looking at the situation holistically, here's some reassuring points:
    • He's not all-powerful - The US President faces many checks and balances from Congress, the constitution, the courts, his own party, and foreign leaders.
    • He was recently a liberal! - Trump is dangerous, but not a maniac. He has praised Hillary Clinton and donated to her campaigns and many of his positions are more reasonable when you scrutinize them. "Building a wall" is just saying he will physically police the US border. It's distasteful, but not crazy. Much of his party opposed him because he wasn't conservative enough!
    • He's tapped into legitimate concerns - Trump's supporters are not simply a racist ignorant mob. Polls show at least half are people who are well aware of his faults but are desperate for change, hate Hillary Clinton, and are willing to gamble on him.
    • The "people" are not with him - Trump lost the popular vote in the election (he just won through the US's quirky 'electoral college' system). So don't think this was a landslide.

  3. Focused Alarm - now that acceptance and holistic evaluation ensure we're not freaking out unproductively, let's focus our concern where it most needs to be:
    • Climate Change- Trump says it's a hoax and wants to tear up the Paris climate agreement. Climate Change threatens our species and we're running out of time - but IF we can make sure that world leaders don't slow down, but speed up, the US alone can't destroy us. The rest of the world will drive a clean energy revolution that will make renewable energy much cheaper than fossil fuels - the US will be forced to switch by simple economics.
    • Fascism - we just don't know what kind of leader Trump is. Is he a Berlusconi, the Trump-like Italian billionaire Prime Minister who was outrageously corrupt and ridiculous but not a fascist? Or is he a Mussolini? We will have to watch like hawks and respond fast to the tell-tale signs of eroding the rule of law, rigging the electoral system, intimidating the media, or promoting hatred of some minorities.
    • Terrorism and War - Trump's instincts in the campaign were to call for things like murdering the families of suspected terrorists and introducing widespread torture. This direction is a gift to ISIS and will fuel the global conflict with militant Islam. His ideas are mostly illegal, but we'll have to watch closely and push back hard - domestically and through US allies - if this erratic man-child uses the US military brutally.

  4. It's the Media Stupid - Despite ALL evidence to the contrary, the American public overwhelmingly sees Hillary Clinton as MORE dishonest and corrupt than Donald Trump. This, by itself, is the reason why Trump is president. And it's the media's fault. US network news devoted more time to coverage of Clinton's totally BS email scandal than TO ALL POLICY ISSUES COMBINED. One the one side, we have ruthlessly sophisticated partisan propaganda media pushing Trump, and on the other an 'impartial' media that chases fake scandals and ratings and suggests false equivalence between the sides in the name of appearing balanced. This is the dynamic that gave us Brexit as well. We desperately need a smarter media. Very few organizations campaign on this, and Avaaz needs to.

  5. This is a HUGE opportunity, let's rise to it - change doesn't happen in a steady, linear way. We human beings learn best from crisis and calamity. Our brightest lights emerge from our deepest darknesses. World War II gave us human rights and the United Nations. And the darknesses of Trumpism could help us build the most inspiring movement for human unity and progress the world has EVER seen, to not only beat back the Trumps in each of our countries, but to do so with a new, people-centered, high-integrity, inspiring politics that brings massive improvement to the status quo. Let's get to work on it :).
With hope, and apologies for the long memo,
Ricken and the Avaaz team.

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10 November 2016

We Won't Let Donald Trump Destroy The Planet!

Image via Avaaz.org
Donald Trump has a murderous plan for our climate -- but we CAN stop him from killing the planet. Governments are meeting in Mexico to discuss how we can save nature and scientists have a plan to protect 50% of the planet that we can help win. 

>> Click here to add your name << 
Dear friends,

As shocking as it feels, Donald Trump will now be president of the US and we know he has a murderous plan for the Paris Agreement on climate change -- but we CAN stop him from killing the planet.

Scientists are warning that two-thirds of our world’s animal species will have vanished by 2020 and humans are to blame. But they also say we can stop this war on nature if we put half the Earth under protection. If we succeed we’ll also save our best allies in the fight against climate change -- our forests and oceans!

Protecting 50% of our land and sea is possible if we do it wisely and fairly -- and it’s a beautiful response to President Trump who will do everything he can to roll back our progress on climate. Governments are about to meet in Mexico to discuss how we can save nature. Let's call on them to support this ambitious goal.

Join the global movement to save nature

Our forests and oceans are vital carbon sinks that help reduce the planet’s warming. But we are destroying them at an alarming rate and entire ecosystems are collapsing, threatening our own survival. We are interconnected - if one pillar starts crumbling, the whole house is shaking.

Governments are meeting for the first of 3 major summits to protect our planet’s ecosystems and they can move forward with this ambitious plan even without Trump’s support. The vast swathes of land and sea we can protect will help counter Trump’s climate choking policies. But our governments need to know their citizens want to see an ambitious goal. 

If we achieve this goal of protecting half the Earth, experts say we can save 80-90% of all species. And crucially, we can design it in a way that protects indigenous and other people who live in harmony with nature from exploitation and land grabs -- so it is essential this goal contains serious monitoring mechanisms that protect human rights. 

Let’s make biodiversity famous so our leaders are clear, like they are with climate, that their people overwhelmingly back this plan. Sign this petition for 50%, and keep building our pressure until we win! 

Join the global chorus, before the Earth falls silent

Our community campaigned for years to set the stage for the Paris climate deal. From spearheading marches in major cities, to flooding ministers with phone-calls and emails. Today, let’s take the first step towards a deal to defend all life on Earth. Let’s help heal our planet.

With hope,

Loup Dargent
On behalf of Iain, Danny, Lisa, Bert, Melanie, Fatima, Camille and the rest of the Avaaz team


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Jason Mraz Joins Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt For Benefit Concert At #StandingRock

Stand in Solidarity with Standing Rock (PRNewsFoto/Jackson Browne)
Jason Mraz joins Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt along with Joel Rafael, and the late John Trudell's band Bad Dog for a benefit concert on Sunday, November 27 for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.  
The concert will be held at Prairie Knights Pavilion in Fort Yates, NDTickets are on sale now and can be purchased thru StarTickets by phone 800-585-3737, or online.
The concert is free for the Standing Rock community and Water Protectors. Next week, cards will be distributed to the Water Protectors in the camps and Standing Rock community that can be exchanged for complimentary tickets at the Casino box office.   
All gross proceeds from the concert public ticket sales will benefit the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their efforts to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline and prepare the camps for winter.
Jackson Browne - Photo by Nels Israelson (PRNewsFoto/Jackson Browne)
"Just as we give thanks for our good fortune and the bounty of our lives as Americans, let us thank the Native people who are gathered here at Standing Rock to protect the natural world and defend our place in it," said Jackson Browne.

Bonnie Raitt (PRNewsFoto/Jackson Browne)
"I'm proud to be standing in support of the courageous and dedicated Water Protectors at Standing Rock. This movement is growing by the day with solidarity actions happening around the country, yet the media isn't covering it nearly enough. Our hope is that this concert will help bring more awareness and media attention to the issues being raised at Standing Rock, and to put pressure on The Obama Administration to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline until protection of sacred sites is ensured," said Bonnie Raitt.

Jason Mraz (PRNewsFoto/Jackson Browne)
"This is a national emergency for both human rights and environmental protection. It is a call to peacefully demonstrate a need for compassion, new listening, and new technologies," said Jason Mraz.

Joel Rafael (PRNewsFoto/Jackson Browne)
 "As the struggle for human rights continues, thousands of people have gathered on the plains of North Dakota. In a time when we all must learn to better respect and honor the Earth, the Water Protectors are leading the way.  I am proud to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their effort to halt the DAPL, and I urge President Obama to do everything in his power to help accomplish that," said Joel Rafael.

Those who can travel to North Dakota are invited to Stand in Solidarity with Standing Rock on Sunday, November 27, 2016 at Prairie Knights Pavilion at 6:30 PM.  
For more information, and to contribute, please visit the Standing Sioux Rock Tribe websites at www.standingrock.org and www.rezpectourwater.com 
SOURCE: Jackson Browne

12 October 2016

New eBook Helps Explain Why Millions of Voters Continue to Support Donald Trump

Moment of Truth: The 2016 Presidential Election (PRNewsFoto/Debo Ayeni)
The new eBook "Moment of Truth: Hillary ClintonDonald Trump, and the Voters Who Will Decide the Presidency" has just been released and helps explain the remarkable resiliency of Donald Trump's presidential bid by analyzing his and Hillary Clinton's policy proposals, by examining the American people's hopes and fears, and by scrutinizing President Obama's successes and failures during his time in office.
"Moment of Truth" weaves hard facts about the candidates into a fictional narrative in a way that one reviewer says "makes for an interesting and unique story centered on American politics." It was written to inform the public about the candidates' stances on various policy issues, to encourage people to vote, and to encourage the press to ask Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump specific questions that will improve the public's understanding of their beliefs, values, motivations, and policies.
Like the characters in "Moment of Truth," many Americans want to know if a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for four more years of marginal wage growth and an economy that is growing at historically low rates. 
Similarly, many Americans also want to know if a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a reckless foreign policy, dangerous domestic policies, and increased racial tensions due to Mr. Trump's involvement in the birther movement, his controversial statements about immigrants, and his campaign pledge to build a wall between the United States and Mexico
The author hopes that in these final weeks leading up to the election, "Moment of Truth" will encourage the media to press the candidates on these and other important issues, so that the public has the information it needs to make an informed decision on Election Day. 
Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump (PRNewsFoto/Debo Ayeni)
"Moment of Truth: Hillary ClintonDonald Trump, and the Voters Who Will Decide the Presidency" can be found on Amazon and was written by Debo Ayeni, a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law and Maryland-based attorney.
SOURCE: Debo Ayeni

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"Common Sense" Critic Eyes Trump's Appeal

The Hegemony of Common Sense (PRNewsFoto/Looking Up Press)
It may seem that, by now, Donald Trump's presidential candidacy has been analyzed, and criticized, from every possible angle.  But many of his fans think the criticisms are unfair and that analysis is needless. They think Trump's tough talk is simply common sense.  That standpoint—the notion of "common sense"— is what Dean Wolfe Manders critiques in this lively discussion of popular sayings, proverbs, mottos, and catch-phrases—the distilled "common sense" of American working people, and the fertile seedbed of Trump's rise to national influence.
The Hegemony of Common Sense is a path-breaking synthesis, a unique contribution to the study of class and consciousness. In the flagship publication of Looking Up Press, Dean Manders brings critical theory to bear on the links between American popular sayings, ideology, and the daily dynamics of class domination. 
Displaying a rich intellectual palette, and a sharp critical agenda, The Hegemony of Common Sense explores the interior of common sense, the taken-for-granted and often contradictory ideas that saturate daily life, where they hide, in effect, in plain sight. This is the lived terrain of American democracy—the cultural grounds of Donald Trump's otherwise nearly opaque ascent.
The celebrated cultural historian and critic Howard Zinn says this about The Hegemony of Common Sense: the "book is enormously impressive, truly original as a work of political theory. I know of no other work that explores class and its relationship to popular consciousness in the thoughtful and incisive way you have done. You have clearly read widely among social theorists and drawn from them what is useful for your thesis. I welcome your book especially because there is such a mistaken idea, especially among European intellectuals, but also in this nation, about the apparent lack of class consciousness, the failure to see such consciousness manifested in many different ways. This failure has important consequences for political action, for any strategy for social change."
Dean Wolfe Manders received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley, and his MA and Ph.D. fromBrandeis University. He has previously published works in both the United States and Europe. He has taught extensively in the Boston and San Francisco Bay areas and at the International Peoples College in HelsingĆør,Denmark.

SOURCE: Looking Up Press

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11 October 2016

As The Most Diverse Generation In U.S. History, Millennials Are Setting A New Political Beat

The impending presidential election has already become one of the most tempestuous in history. As candidates continue to race toward the finish line in November, they are facing one of the most dynamically diverse voter groups in U.S. history, whose complexities and corresponding perspectives are important to understand in order to effectively appeal to the many unique cohorts that will sway election results.
Leading our nation's diversity, the Millennial generation consists of more than 44 percent ethnic minorities. Millennials have officially surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest generation, now comprising more than one quarter of the overall U.S. population. However, most noteworthy is the influence this now fully voting-age, ethnically diverse generation will have on upcoming elections.
A newly released study by Richards/Lerma and The University of Texas at AustinStan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations has uncovered key differences between Millennial ethnic segments regarding their perceptions and ideals regarding U.S. issues and politics. 

The national study, "Millennials Deconstructed" was conducted among 1,000 Millennials aged 18-34 with representation across White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian ethnicities and reveals many counterintuitive assumptions that prove just how dynamic the social fabric of our nation has become.

A New Set of Ideals
As with past generations, Millennials are setting a unique drumbeat and defining their own vision of the world based on new values and ideals that are relevant to their life experiences. When presented a list of values to which they might personally relate, Millennials maintain more liberal views of the world today. The top five values Millennials believe to be of importance include:
1.      Employers should be required to pay the same salary to men and women who perform the same work
2.      Access to good healthcare should be a right granted to all Americans
3.      Good and accessible education should be a right of all U.S. citizens granted by the government
4.      The government should not be allowed to spy on communications, email, or social media
5.      There should be term limits set for members of Congress
Key differences can be noted between different ethnic groups of Millennials, however. For instance, compared with other ethnic groups, Hispanic Millennials are more likely to believe the U.S. should require labeling of genetically engineered foods; White Millennials are significantly less likely to support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; while Asian Millennials are less apt to support the legalization of marijuana.
The top 5 values millennials find to be of Importance (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
Shifting American Pride
Surprisingly, it's Hispanic Millennials who maintain the greatest sense of American pride compared with other ethnicities. Fifty-four percent of Hispanic Millennials state they are "very proud" of being American despite being the least likely cohort to have a long lineage of heritage in the U.S. In contrast, White Millennials, who are more likely to have generations of American heritage, have the lowest levels of national pride at only 40 percent. Meanwhile, approximately 50 percent of African-American and Asian Millennials state they are very proud.
American Pride: How would you rate your pride in being a U.S. Citizen? (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
A More "Live and Let Live" Generation
For the most part, the issues Millennials believe are facing the country today are more liberal than those of the past. Overall, "Economy" is ranked by 50 percent of Millennials to be the leading issue facing the country today. However, this is followed by "Terrorism and National Security" (47%), "Debt and Spending" (43%), "Race Issues" (43%), and "Gun Control" (42%). Collectively, Millennials are less concerned about abortion, same-sex marriage, foreign policy, and the declining influence of Judeo-Christian values.
Not surprisingly, "Race Issues" is believed to be the top concern the U.S. is facing today by African Americans and Hispanics, while Hispanics and Asians are more concerned with immigration.
Rising Waves of Political Influence
Millennials take accountability for following U.S. politics and believe it is their responsibility to do so, with 70 percent agreeing it is somewhat, to very important. Compared with other ethnicities, Black Millennials are 10 percent more likely to be knowledgeable on current U.S. political issues and news.
How important do you believe your responsibility is to follow U.S. politics? (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
Supporting Left of Center
As a whole, Millennials are more inclined to support the Democratic Party with 54 percent claiming the party is more representative of their beliefs. And while they may claim to support a particular party, approximately 31 percent have little to no understanding of what each political party even stands for. Hispanics have the lowest levels of understanding with more than 36 percent claiming they have little to no understanding of the key differences between parties.
Democratic and Republican parties alike have the opportunity to more clearly articulate their values and stances on fundamental issues to help educate and guide these more than 20 million estimated Millennials, especially among Hispanics.
The political party you feel is most representative of your beliefs (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
Minorities will Lead Millennial Voting
Seventy-seven percent of Asian, Hispanic, and Black Millennials are fairly to absolutely certain they will vote in the coming 2016 elections, while a lesser 73 percent of Whites state they will vote, further highlighting the importance minority Millennial votes will have on coming elections. Of Millennials who do not plan to vote in coming elections, approximately 16 percent, or an estimated 6 million Millennials, won't do so because they believe their vote will not make a difference.
Plan to vote in the 2016 election? (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
Diminishing Faith in the Traditional System
Yet, while the majority of Millennials claim to be taking more responsibility for staying current about politics and plan to vote in coming elections, they are overall dissatisfied with the state of the U.S. political system today. According to the research, Millennials fail to rate the U.S. political system highly and question the integrity of the traditional two-party system.
Of all Millennial ethnic groups, Whites have the lowest perception of the current system with a mere 18 percent believing the current system is "Good" or "Excellent," compared with more than a quarter (27%) of Hispanic Millennials and one-third (33%) of Black and Asian Millennials.
How would you rate the current U.S. political system? (PRNewsFoto/Richards/Lerma)
Millennials will only continue making their mark on the social fabric of the U.S., as they become more active political participants. The generation overall maintains common values, ideals, and beliefs, but key differences exist among the various ethnic sub segments, which provide greater insights into this demographic. To more fully understand the motivating factors of this generation's political stances, these granular insights must be examined.
Insights such as Hispanic Millennials being more patriotic, yet having the lowest levels of understanding the key differences between Democratic and Republican parties, represent opportunities for politicians to help educate and direct these individuals on their party's values and stances. Values such as Hispanic Millennials being more likely to desire labeling of GMOs; White Millennials being less likely to support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; and Asian Millennials being less likely to support marijuana legalization are all factors that must be understood by politicians in order to more fully connect with these constituents.
Perhaps the largest quandary to be addressed, however, is Millennials' overall dissatisfaction with today's traditional left/right political system. Their discontent begs the question of whether our current system can embrace and evolve with the demands that this generation and those to come will bring to the table.
To learn more about the Millennials Deconstructed research project and to download the comprehensive report, visit millennialsdeconstructed.com.
1. U.S. Census Bureau. "Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers and are far more diverse." Release Number: CB15-113. June 25, 2015.
2. Goldman Sachs. "Millennials Coming of Age" Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research. Pew Research Center, Current Population Survey. 2016
3. "20 million" estimate based on assessment of total U.S. White Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Asian Non-Hispanic, and Hispanic Millennials between 18-34 using Experian Simmons 2015 Winter NCS/NHCS Adults Full Year.
About Richards/Lerma
Richards/Lerma is a full-service branding and creative agency dedicated to crafting insightful and relevant communications for the multicultural market. Based in Dallas, Richards/Lerma was founded by Pete Lerma and Stan Richards, creative director of the nation's largest independent branding agency, The Richards Group. 
Current clients include Avocados From Mexico, Bud Light, Budweiser Chelada, Chrysler, Clamato, Dr Pepper, MetroPCS, Mission, The Home Depot and Ram Trucks. Richards/Lerma can be found online at richardslerma.com and on Twitter at @richardslerma.

SOURCE: Richards/Lerma

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