15 January 2015

How Our Subconscious Works In A Nutshell


The human mind can be separated into the conscious and the subconscious mind. Only a small minority has ever managed to tap into the subconscious mind, understand and utilize its power fully. Because the subconscious mind never needs to rest, it is boundless and unlimited in its ability to bring you success. However, if you do not utilize it, it will be left to atrophy. Everyone has tremendous mental capacity; it is up to you to make the most of it.

If you leave it, your subconscious mind will be like a garden that is unattended - the weeds will take over. Use affirmations to your advantage at the optimum times when your subconscious mind is listening.

14 January 2015

Are 3D Movies Here To Stay?


Whether you are a massive film fan or not, there is no escaping the fact that 3D films are big business at the moment. As the amount of studios look in to cash in by jumping onto the 3D bandwagon the debate amongst cinema-goers, film professionals and critics is becoming increasingly heated. There doesn't seem to be a consensus over the merits of 3D film. Some feel like it is a passing fad, whereas others insist that it is the future of cinema. So what do you think - has 3D already outstayed it's welcome or has it already settled in to be a mainstay of our film going experience? 

13 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo: Muhammad On Cover Of First Post Attack Issue

Charlie Hebdo is back with a vengeance, giving the finger (or, to be more accurate, "un bras d'honneur") to all the terrorists out there (though in this issue, it's mainly aimed at the Islamist ones)... 

Whatever we think of Charlie Hebdo's special brand of humour and what is published in it, at the end of the day, nobody (and I do mean nobody) should die because of their beliefs or/and political views. 

Let's all be Charlie on that one!  

Loup Dargent

Music and Humor

Flight of the Conchords

Music and humor can intersect in one of three ways.

The first way is when serious artists get clever. This would be The Who's "Squeeze Box," The Ramones "I Want to be Sedated," or Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like a Lady." Basically, a band or artist takes a break from singing about important subjects-like sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll-to show us they have a sense of humor.

12 January 2015

People With Photographic Memory

Nikola Tesla

Individuals that possess eidetic memory, or photographic memory, are able to recall with precision a large amount of information, images or sounds. Whilst many have claimed to possess this ability, it is found in less than 5% of children, most of whom will begin to lose the ability as they mature or grow older. 

Art and Music in History


Art and music has always been an integral part of any society; no matter how basic and primitive or complex and advanced. Art is the cultural output of a society that reflects its attitudes, values, morals, and what it considers ideal and beautiful. Art truly is one of the great measures of a civilization and is a window into what a particular culture thought and valued.

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