31 January 2015

Venus of Milos Island in Greece - History of Aphrodite


The History
The statue of Venus of Milos dates back to 150 B.C. from the Greek Hellenistic Age. It was discovered in 1820 on Milos island in Greece, when farmers dug up stones for their houses. A farmer called Theodoros Kentrotas tried to hide the statue in his stone house, but Turkish officials later seized it. The French naval officer, Julius Dumont d'Urville realized its importance and made arrangements to purchase it from Turkey. The Turkish government accepted the offer, out of fear that if they refuse, the French would either steal it, or take it by force. The statue was taken to France by boat and after repair work, was offered to Louis the XVIII. He presented it to the Louvre museum where it can still be seen.

Some less reliable accounts state that the Turkish soldiers never seized it, but the French commander who saw how the farmers dug it up, purchased it from a local farmer called Yorgos. According to the Milos islanders, the stone house on Milos island in Greece is evidence for the truth of the first account 

30 January 2015

The Rules of Sumo Wrestling Games


Sumo wrestling games are an extremely popular sport in the Japanese culture. This form of wrestling involves two opponents, and each one of them is trying to force the other out of a circular ring called a Dohyo. They can also win by forcing the other to touch the ground with any part of their body other then the soles of their feet. Many people are familiar with sumo wrestling, but few are knowledgeable about the many rules of this sport. Let us look at how one of Japan's favorite pastimes is played.

29 January 2015

IP Address Geek Game Perk


Silly human adults. They busy themselves with work, groceries, and Modern Family. 

Every now and then they look up to check on you in your eternal hibernation in the the cluttered space you call a room but, sometimes, they need your help and that's when the tide turns in favor of every self-respecting geek.

Yes, Mom...you may pay the bills but I set up the remote control, the DVD player, the Wii (really, you can't even register the remote??)

Oh No! It's Valentine's Day Again


What are the two most hated days of the year for single women? It’s probably no surprise: New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day. Well, you have survived one already a few weeks ago. Now, you have to prepare for getting through the next one –- next month.

Why do most single women hate February 14? Because Valentine’s Day is a holiday that shouts, “You must be in love." Commercialism has designed this day for lovers. Hotels and restaurants and jewelers and florists (etc.) all have specials for men and women in love (Or at least, men and women who are partnered or married!). And if you are not with a special man, you feel left out.

This is why so many women hide out on Valentine’s Day. Yet, here’s a curious fact. This day, devoted to lovers, has a nefarious beginning. There are a number of stories about how Valentine’s Day got started. Ironically, two of the more common ones are connected to murder and rape. One version says Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian saint who was murdered for marrying men and women at a time the Emperor needed men to go to war. If married, goes this story, men wouldn’t want to leave their families. The emperor needed single soldiers so he killed the man who was marrying the couples.

Another version says Valentine’s Day actually derived from a pagan holiday where a lottery was held for young men to win a young woman (probably a teenager of younger) for the male’s sexual pleasure.

You can choose any story you prefer as the origin just as you can choose how to relate to Valentine’s Day. It can be a day of shame because you do not love and are not loved by a special man, or you can honor this day by acknowledging those people who make your life better. When you were in elementary school, you knew Valentine’s Day was not about lovers; if was about love and caring and friendship. It can be the same today -– if you choose.

If you choose to see it as about love and caring, then you don’t need to hide out, or claim you hate February 14. You can participate in the holiday -– by your definition. You have no reason to be embarrassed about being single; you don’t need to hide. Find ways to celebrate the day with those you care about. Send or make cards, have a Valentine Day meal with close friends, greet people with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” and mean it. Participating in the holiday tells the world you love yourself and you love others.

You can mope or you can celebrate your life -– the life you have at the moment. There is no telling what your life will be like later today, tomorrow, next week. So celebrate whatever you have. After all, right now is the only life you have. And, any day that reminds you of the people you love and cherish is a day worth celebrating.

Submitted by: Dr. Karen Gail Lewis

About Today's Contributor:

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis is founder of Unique Retreats for Single Women. She’s a marriage/family therapist and author of several books about single and married women. Join her for a free teleseminar on Unspoken Truths About Being Single in a Married World. Register at DrKarenGailLewis.com

27 January 2015

Batman Villains - What Do You Know About Poison Ivy?


It's sad that Pamela Isley, or Poison Ivy, became the way she did because of experiments. While she was taking Biology, her professor seduced her and injected her with poisons and toxins.

This caused Poison Ivy to transform into a plant-like menace to society. One of the Batman villains, Poison Ivy started out as a wealthy girl with parents who could care less. 

After this has happened, Poison Ivy's boyfriend suddenly passes away, and she drops out of school. She is gradually changing from Pamela Isley to Poison Ivy. 

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