Showing posts with label Bill Knell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Knell. Show all posts
26 January 2013
by Loup Dargent
January 26, 2013
By: Bill Knell
It first appeared on Google Maps in a satellite photo and looked like a white sphere that appeared to be vibrating as it passed over Magnolia Park, Florida in 2005. The pearl-like object hovered at around 20,000 feet. Fast forward to April 25, 2008. Just around the time when strange lights were being seen in the skies over Indiana, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Arizona, they appeared over Decatur, Alabama.
TV Stations in nearby Huntsville, Alabama, reported that people were seeing lights in the sky over Decatur on April 25th around 11pm. A number of calls were received by emergency services and one witness, 17 year old Codey Terry (a student at Bob Jones High School in Madison) reported a frightening encounter. She described two bluish-white lights that suddenly appeared in front of her windshield while she was driving past the courthouse and on to Central Parkway in Decatur just after 11pm.
17 January 2013
All Posts, Animals and Pets, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related
by Loup Dargent
January 17, 2013
By: Bill Knell
Flushing Meadows Park has a long and unusual history. It is located ten miles east of Manhattan on Long Island in the Borough of Queens, New York City, between the towns of Flushing and Corona. The park started out as swampy land situated along Flushing Creek. The area skirted ancient Native American trails that were later developed into Rodman Street (today it’s called College Point Boulevard), Roosevelt Avenue and other paved roadways.
Because of its location and inability to be used for much else, the swampy land became a dumping area for ashes. By the 1920’s, it was known as the Corona Ash Dumps. F. Scott Fitzgerald called the place “a valley of ashes” in The Great Gatsby, his famous 1925 novel about Long Island Society. However, the once worthless area was about to be transformed into a marvelous showplace thanks to a grand event known as the World’s Fair.
Because it was one of the few large blocks of land still available for development in the New York City area, Parks Commissioner Robert Moses and city planners devised a plan to clear and fill the land for use as the site of the 1939-1940 New York World’s Fair. Most of the ashes and refuse were incorporated into the bases of new highways that were being built around and through that area. These later became the Grand Central Parkway, Van Wyck Expressway, Interboro Parkway and Long Island Expressway.
After the 1939-1940 World’s Fair ended in 1940, many of the structures from the fair were leveled and the area became known as Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. A few of the buildings that remained included the New York State Pavilion that was used as the first home to the United Nations from 1946 until 1951 when that organization moved into their permanent location in Manhattan. That building still exists today and has become the Queens Museum of Art.
14 January 2013
All Posts, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, News Related, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related
by Loup Dargent
January 14, 2013
By: Bill Knell
The Beatles released a song called Fool on the Hill in the late 1960s. Music journalists at that time said that the British rock group wrote the song after being disillusioned by the shaman of a religious sect. The Fab Four traveled all the way to India to meet a man they were told was very spiritual, hoping he had the answers to what they were religiously seeking. Instead, they found a cult leader that isolated himself from the world while enjoying the fruits of his female followers. It was alleged that he tried to proposition one or more of the female members of their entourage which included wives and girl friends.
The Fool on the Hill seems to envision a person with access to everything that sees nothing. What he does see, he doesn’t bother to try and understand. Have we become the fools on the hill when it comes to what is happening around us? I think many of us have and that’s what the government counts on to keep information from us that they deem as too sensitive for public consumption. That may be the real explanation for a series of bizarre events that have occurred over the decade. These events may involve Alien life forms.
7 January 2013
All Posts, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, History Related, Miscellaneous, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related
by Loup Dargent
January 07, 2013
By Bill Knell
Like most UFO incidents denied by the U.S. Government, the 1947 Roswell crash refuses to go away quietly. Each time a government spokesperson invents a new explanation to contradict the theory that an alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, one or more new witnesses come forward to support the original Air Force statement. That statement called the object a ’flying disc’ and left us with the impression that the occupants weren’t quite human.
30 December 2012
by Loup Dargent
December 30, 2012
By Bill Knell
A clerk at the Tern Hill Hall Hotel told UK newspapers that the
launch of Chinese lanterns for a wedding reception was behind
the mass sighting of UFOs by soldiers and civilians on June 7,
2008. However, some experts disagree. Even if the lanterns were
released as claimed, they would have been too small to account
for the objects that were witnessed, photographed and filmed.
Mark Hanley, a British UFO Researcher says that he has
investigated many cases involving the release of Chinese
29 December 2012
All Posts, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, Paranormal, Science Fiction Related, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related, Video-clips
by Loup Dargent
December 29, 2012
By: Bill Knell
It was during my first visit to the historic Montauk Lighthouse that I noticed the huge radar dish which immediately identifies the base. I must have been about eight years old and remember asking my parents about the monstrous structure. My father said it was part of a system to detect incoming enemy aircraft or missiles. As a retired Air Force Officer, he would know about that. However, I’m certain that he had no idea what future (or past) events would give that base such an infamous reputation.
All Posts, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, It's a Wolf Thing, Miscellaneous, Paranormal, Science Fiction Related, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related
by Loup Dargent
December 29, 2012
By Bill Knell
It’s impossible to define or even try and explain the late Dr. Michael Wolf. I knew this less than five minutes after I first spoke with him on the phone over twenty years ago. If I had to define Wolf in one statement, I would say that he was one of the most well-connected U.S. Government Insiders that I ever met.
My association with Wolf began after my friend and fellow paranormal researcher, Dick Criswell, told me about him and offered an introduction by phone in the late 1980s. Although I was initially skeptical of Wolf’s claims regarding UFOs and his government insider status, those concerns vanished after our first conversation. I found him to be intelligent, knowledgeable and easily able to answer most any question that I threw his way.
21 December 2012
All Posts, Bill Knell, Celebrities, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, Science Fiction Related, UFOs and Aliens Related, US Related
by Loup Dargent
December 21, 2012
By Bill Knell
Did Howard Hughes ever get a chance to view a captured or crashed UFO and its occupants? I have long pondered this question and there may now be an answer to it. According to a former employee of Hughes Aircraft, he did. The visit allegedly occurred not long after the crash of an alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. You may think this story belongs in the BELIEVE OR NOT file and you may be right, but I feel compelled to pass it on to you anyway.
22 July 2011
All Posts, Bill Knell, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, Paranormal, Science Fiction Related, UFOs and Aliens Related
by Loup Dargent
July 22, 2011
According to Fox Mulder of the well missed X-Files, the truth is out there...
According to Bill Knell, our guest writer for today, the truth is in the eye of the beholder.
12 March 2011
by Loup Dargent
March 12, 2011
Image via Wikipedia
Do not attempt to adjust your monitor for we are controlling what you see. In front of you lies a door. You unlock the door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into... The Zone.
Ah come on, now... I had to do it.
It was impossible for me to resist the temptation after reading what Bill Knell - our Guest Writer for today, had in store for us this time.
He's brought us a ghost story, but not just any ghost story...
This is modern ghost story that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat (especially if you're in a plane while reading it).
Loup Dargent
Haunted Skies: Ghosts Of The Eastern 401 Disaster
Bill Knell
My experience with the story of Eastern Flight 401 began early
in 1973. I flew from Tampa, Florida, to New York City and back
several times that year. Most of my close relatives lived in the
New York City area. During school breaks, I took the opportunity
to combine visits with them with opportunities to attend various
paranormal seminars scheduled for that year.
At sixteen, I was an experienced traveler and made most of my
own airline reservations and arrangements. I hated crowds and
loved red eye flights. Traveling at odd hours was no big deal
for me. During the middle of Summer Break 1973, I was aboard a
Sunday afternoon EAL flight that seemed almost empty. In those
days there were always more flight attendants than needed on the
off peak hours flights. The younger, less experienced crew
members tended to hob knob with passengers. That's how I met
Susan. (I am being polite: Flight Attendants were called
Stewardesses if they were women and Stewards if they were men in
those days)
Her attention was drawn to a book I was reading about Flying
Saucers. Like most of the flight attendants that I met during
the 1970s, Susan was from the South. She seemed about twenty
years old and had a pleasant personality. We talked on and off
as her free time allowed. I had enough time in the air to know
that there were several topics that you never brought up on a
plane. These included UFOs and Airline Crashes, but both
subjects came up anyway.
Susan was obviously well read on the UFO subject. Like me, she
had relatives in the Air Force. She also knew people that had
personally seen UFOs while on commercial flights. Most were not
spectacular sightings, but strange enough to cause concern. What
really got her started were some of the ghost stories I told. It
turned out that hers was much better than mine.
I didn't know much about the Flight 401 Air Disaster except
that it involved an Eastern Airlines Passenger Jet which went
down in the Florida Everglades about six months before.
Personally, I was more concerned about airline hijackers in
those days than crashes. Susan asked if I had heard any of the
stories about ghosts from that flight appearing to people. I
hadn't. Before she could utter another word, a male flight
attendant walking by grabbed her by the arm. Both vanished into
the First Class section.
After a few minutes the male flight attendant reappeared.
Although he worked in First Class, he came up to my seat and
asked how I was doing? I said I was fine and didn't need
anything. He introduced himself as Bobby and asked if I wanted
to move up to First Class. I accepted the invitation. While
walking through the curtain that separated the sections, Susan
whizzed by me with just a quick smile and stuffed some folded
mimeographed papers into my hand. I shoved them into my pocket.
The five folded pages that Susan stuffed into my hand looked
like some kind of insider's newsletter. Something a Flight
Attendant had put together for other Flight Attendants. It made
reference to the 401 crash and how that some flight crews were
seeing ghosts from the 401 crash. The pages were badly worn and
had obviously been passed around and handled a lot. Although
names and specifics were left out, it was obvious that this was
a how-to sheet for crew members that wanted to avoid being on
planes known for the 401 ghost appearances.
After we landed, I told Bobby that I left something in my seat
back in coach. Before he could say anything, I headed back to
speak to Susan. She was putting away pillows, so I thanked her
for being so nice, pulled the mimeographed sheets out of my
pocket and asked her, "Did you see any of the ghosts?" She
looked down and thanked me for flying Eastern. Cold! I felt as
if I had been dumped by a prom date! I mean, it wasn't like I
expected her to give me her telephone number. I just wanted to
talk Airline spooks.
While in New York, I went to a library and looked up more
information about the crash. It seems that the whole thing began
when Flight 401 left Tampa for New York on December 29, 1972.
The flight crew was Pilot Bob Loft, First Officer Albert
Stockstill and Flight Engineer Don Repo. On the return leg to
Miami, a problem developed. While on approach to Miami
International at 11:30pm, a landing gear light failed to come
on. As a result, the crew attempted to be sure the gear was
While trying to remedy the landing gear light issue, it's
likely that someone bumped the aircraft control column and
deactivated the auto pilot. This caused a slow decent that
wasn't noticed by the flight crew until it was too late. Loft
and Stockstill perished in the cockpit, although Loft hung on
for a while after the crash. Stockstill was thirty-nine and Loft
was fifty-five years old. Don Repo, fifty-one years old,
initially survived the crash and died a day later in the
hospital. In the end, ninety-six of one hundred and sixty-three
passengers died.
Two weeks later I flew back to Tampa, Florida. I wondered if it
had been sheer luck that caused me to learn about the 401 ghost
stories on a flight from Tampa and to New York. Maybe, but I
wasn't lucky enough to end up on a flight with Susan again. My
off peak flight took off on a late Sunday afternoon with a
completely different crew. There were maybe thirty people on
board and we ended up with an experienced Flight Attendant. She
was kind of bossy, so I sat and read quietly.
At some point, I took out the folded pages that Susan gave me.
I tucked them into a notebook I purchased at the airport and had
been trying to decode the worn mimeo sheets for days. It proved
difficult and was very frustrating, but I thought I would use
the flight time back to Florida to try again. While I was using
a magnifying glass to try and make out the words and letters, a
member of the flight crew passed by. It was the First Officer
headed to the back of the aircraft.
I probably wouldn't have noticed him, but he stopped at my seat
and looked at the sheets. He asked, "Pardon me, did someone on
this flight or at the airport give that to you?" I told him no
and made the mistake of saying that I found it in one of the
magazines on board. I didn't want to get Susan in trouble. He
reached over and grabbed it out of my hands saying it was a
scandal sheet passed around by ill-informed employees.
I had no way of knowing that I was flying Eastern at a time
when the Flight 401 ghost sightings were at their high point.
The sightings began in January of 1973 and continued in earnest
until the summer of 1974. These events were exposed to the world
in The Ghost of Flight 401, a book written by John G. Fuller.
Fuller is one of my favorite authors. His book, Interrupted
Journey chronicled the famous Betty and Barney Hill UFO
Abduction Case and there were others like Incident at Exeter
that I enjoyed as well.
Fuller's book came out a couple of years after the ghost
sightings ended. His wife, Elizabeth, was an Eastern Flight
Attendant that helped him get the goods on the 401 ghost
sightings. Her book, My Search for the Ghost of Flight 401, was
just as good as his and I read both with equal enthusiasm.
Anyone interested the paranormal should dig up copies of these
and read them cover to cover.
The film, The Ghost of Flight 401, starred Ernest Borgnine and
was a part of a one-two punch delivered by Hollywood. The second
was the release of Crash, another film about the 401 disaster.
This one starred William Shatner. Both films were shown on
Broadcast Television in the USA and released in theaters in some
other Countries. All told, the films were well received and
probably gave Frank Borman more sleepless nights than the ghosts
In The Ghost of Flight 401, the ghosts appear as any human
would. For example, during a 1973 flight from Newark to Miami, A
Flight Attendant was doing a head count when she noticed a man
in an Eastern Airlines Pilot uniform seated with the passengers.
He refused to acknowledge her, so she contacted the flight crew.
The Captain of that flight came back to see what was going on
and recognized the man as Bob Loft. He cried out, "Oh my God,
that's Bob Loft!" At that point Loft vanished. Everyone present
saw it happen.
During a 1974 flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Newark, NJ,
the Pilot sees Don Repo sitting in the Flight Engineer's seat.
Repo says, "There will never be another crash of an L-1011, we
will not allow it." Repo vanishes after speaking. During another
sighting, Repo appeared to a Flight Crew member and said he had
completed the preflight check.
On another occasion, a Flight Attendant saw a man in a Flight
Engineer uniform fixing a microwave oven. Thinking nothing of
it, she went about her business. Later she asked the Flight
Engineer what was wrong with the microwave. He had no idea what
she was talking about. Repo also appeared several times in the
Hell Hole (electronics room) beneath the cockpit after crew
members heard knocking in that area and went to investigate.
While boarding a flight that would take him from JFK in New
York to Miami International in 1973, a Vice President of Eastern
Airlines entered the First Class Cabin and saw an Eastern Pilot
sitting there. When he got close enough to see his face, it was
Bob Loft. Loft vanished before his eyes. Loft was seen by a
number of flight crews and spoke occasionally warning about
problems or potential problems on board an aircraft.
There were some other types of appearances as well. Flight
Attendant Faye Merryweather saw the face of Don Repo staring at
her from an oven in the galley of Tri-Star 318. The galley was
salvaged from the wreckage of 401. Merryweather summoned two
other Flight Attendants. One was a friend of Repo and recognized
his face. Repo spoke and said, "Watch out for fire on this
airplane." The airliner ended up having engine trouble a short
time later on route to Acapulco. After landing, the rest of its
flight was cancelled.
And it wasn't just flight crews that saw the deceased crew
Several Marriott Food Service workers saw a Flight Engineer
vanish in the galley of an airliner being stocked for the next
flight and refused to continue their work. That flight was
delayed for over an hour. Airline cleaners and mechanics began
to find reasons to avoid working on or in Ship #318 where most
of the sightings took place. Some believe that's because parts
were salvaged from the aircraft involved in the 401 crash and
transplanted into #318. It's as good as explanation as any.
Although the details remain sketchy and there's a great deal of
disagreement about it, the end of the ghost sightings may have
had something to do with a psychic intervention of sorts. It's
been reported that one or more people who knew Loft and Repo
managed to contact them through the help of a psychic medium who
persuaded them to move on. The ghost sightings ended about a
year and a half after the crash.
A haunting of this intensity and frequency reveals how woefully
inadequate our attempts to understand or investigate the
paranormal have been. This is especially true of those who do
not care to acknowledge paranormal events in the first place.
Rather than believe their own people, Eastern chose to ignore
the ghost reports and recommend mental health evaluations and
treatment for those who saw them. If the ghosts that appeared
after the 401 crash have taught us anything, I would hope it is
that simply ignoring paranormal events will not make them vanish
into thin air.
About The Author:
Read more true stories from Bill Knell about the Unexplained,
order paranormal DVDs and experience the unexplained at
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4 December 2009
All Posts, Bill Knell, Books Related, Celebrities, Guest Posts, Miscellaneous, Paranormal, UFOs and Aliens Related
by Loup Dargent
December 04, 2009
Now, that's the spirit!
Okay, not really that kind of spirit, but we have good reasons to be cheerful as our favourite Ufo Guy is back with a very haunting story...
It's the story of Alexandra Holzer and, as she is the daughter of the famous ghost hunter Hanz Holzer, publishing it is definitely a great way to launch our "Paranormal" category.
Those of you who read the old version of 'Forward and Share' might remember some of Bill Knell's articles... They were great additions to our UFOs Related topic and were very popular among our readers (Good news: We have managed to salvage some of them and will definitely publish them again in a near future) so being able to publish more articles from him is like an early Christmas present for us.
But, enough of my rambling: Bill Knell and his haunting story of Alexandra Holzer is only a few mouse scrolls away...
Loup Dargent
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