Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

11 February 2016

Why Leonardo Da Vinci Would Have Aced The Internet Cat Craze

By Gabriele Neher, University of Nottingham
Leonardo da Vinci may have been ahead of the curve in aerodynamics, anatomy and mechanics, but he also possessed an incredible foresight for another modern staple: cat obsessions.

31 January 2016

Why Would Anyone Believe The Earth Is Flat?

The Earth as seen from space – looks curved from up there. 
Flickr/NASA's Marshall Space Flight CenterCC BY-NC
By Peter Ellerton, The University of Queensland

Belief in a flat Earth seems a bit like the attempt to eradicate polio – just when you think it’s gone, a pocket of resistance appears. But the “flat Earthers” have always been with us; it’s just that they usually operate under the radar of public awareness.

Now the rapper B.o.B has given the idea prominence through his tweets and the release of his single Flatline, in which he not only says the Earth is flat, but mixes in a slew of other weird and wonderful ideas.

These include the notions that the world is controlled by lizard people, that certain celebrities are cloned, that Freemasons manipulate our lives, that the sun revolves around the Earth and that the Illuminati control the new world order. Not bad for one song.

Even ignoring that these ideas are inconsistent (are we run by lizards, the Freemansons or the Illuminati?), what would inspire such a plethora of delusions? The answer is both straightforward, in that it is reasonably clear in psychological terms, and problematic, in that it can be hard to fix.

12 January 2016

A Storm In A Twitter Cup... [The One About That Milo Unverified Account Thing]

With the #JeSuisMilo hashtag spamming Twitter these last days, you could easily make the mistake to think that someone called Milo got killed by some terrorists... 

I mean, after all, the anniversary of the dreadful events in Paris was only a few days ago and nobody would trivialise what happened then by using a hashtag a la #JeSuisCharlie for something silly, would they?

Oh, yes, they would... and they bloody did!

Click here to see tweet on Twitter

9 January 2016

Tango Down! #BNP Struck Off Register Of UK Political Parties

It's "tango down" for the BNP...
I know it's not Breaking News as such (it was on Twitter, and all over the net, already yesterday after all) but this is Good News! And, good news, even if they're temporary, do need to be shared a lot as they do help making the start of the new year a bit more cheerful, somehow... 

31 December 2015

Happy New Year To All!

Happy New Year to all our readers and friends from Twitter, this blog's Facebook Page, the Bonehill Zone's FB PageGoogle, and every other social media sites I'm a member of... 
Without your support and encouragement, this blog would probably still not be around anymore, so a big thank you to all of you and a very happy, productive, out of this world, and fascists/Nazis/Joshua Bonehill/ Donald Trump/Katie Hopkins free, year 2016 to everyone!

14 November 2015

Nelson's Column: #UKIP's Politics of Fear


Friday, 13 November 2015. Terrorists strike in Paris, France, killing over 140 people and injuring hundreds of others. The world mourns. David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn offer their condolences and condemn the terrorist attacks. And France closes its borders to prevent the terrorists from escaping and also heightens security. 

22 April 2015

Bonehill Vs Anon - The Story So Far... [Statement From Anonymous Devon Included!]

Perhaps, Joshua Bonehill thought that he hadn't made enough enemies already when he decided to engage the Anonymous Devon account on Twitter?
Unfortunately for the moronic troll, an attack against one Anon account usually means an attack against the whole Anonymous movement, so it didn't take long before other Anon accounts joined in and tweeted back at the pint sized fuhrer and his alts...

13 April 2015

Joshua Bonehill - Moronic Nazi Troll At It Again With Diane Abbott Poster Hoax!

The Bonehill Zone - The Imaginary Diane Abbott Poster

In 'Episode 2',  We saw that, a few weeks ago, convicted serial liar Joshua Bonehill tweeted the picture of an alleged poster from the Labour Party for the coming General Elections... A poster that nobody seemed to have seen (apart, from himself and some of his alts) even so it had, according to him, popped up all over the UK... A poster that, of course, didn't actually exist and was just another one of his hoaxes.
The Bonehill Zone - Episode 2: The Imaginary Labour Poster
Click on picture for full story...
Well, guess what? The pint sized Nazi is now doing it again with a new one (featuring Labour MP, Diane Abbott, this time...), that he claims has been put up in Hackney... 

But, of course, like for the previous 'poster', nobody has been able to to give the exact location of that one either.

24 February 2015

That Night When Moronic Antisemite Joshua Bonehill Had A Public Meltdown On Twitter...

Perhaps, the pressure of leading his brand new, but already failing, movement (losing support from his fellow neo-nazis by the minute) was too much after all for the infamous fascist, antisemite, racist and convicted serial liar, Joshua Bonehill? 
American White Supremacists Turn On Joshua Bonehill

Or, maybe, he had a Dickensian-like experience (being visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future making him realise how badly he f*cked his life up and that, because of his own misguided actions, he will be a loser for the rest of it...) that completely freaked the self-proclaimed Far Right "Leader" out?  

Who knows... 

What we do know, though, is that, on the night of the 23rd of February, some of his and one of his (alleged) alts' tweets suddenly became even more weird than usual and quickly developed into what could only be described as Twitter's own version of a Twilight Zone episode

Joshua Bonehill in "The Bonehill Zone" - Poster
(Image courtesy of Virgil Caine)
We had entered the Bonehill Zone...

10 January 2015

#JeSuisCharlie - March With Paris


 Dear friends, 

Hundreds of thousands will march through the streets of Paris tomorrow to support the beautiful French values of equality, fraternity and liberty -- and we can be there with them.

The entire world will be watching what happens as people take to the streets in response to the brutal murder of twelve people on Wednesday. Counter protests are planned, Europe’s far-right are mobilising throughout France, and two Muslim places of worship have already been attacked. This is just what the gunmen wanted: division and fear.

1 January 2015

Happy New Year To All!


I would like to wish a very happy new year to all our readers and friends from Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Triberr,, and every other social media sites I'm a member of... 

Without your support and encouragement, this blog would probably still not be around anymore, so a big thank you to all of you and a very happy, productive, fascist free, and out of this world year 2015 to everyone!

Loup Dargent

8 December 2014

How To Use Twitter To Build Your Network Marketing Business


Submitted by: Sandra Essex

Of all of the social networking sites, Twitter has most notably taken the web by storm in the last year. For this reason, getting in on the Twitter craze can be a highly effective method of building your MLM business. In two words, Twitter equals free leads. However, in order for Twitter to be an effective MLM and free lead building tool, it is essential that it is correctly and appropriately utilized for maximum benefit.

By following a few simple guidelines, it can be a very lucrative tool, both financially and in the number of free leads it produces. In fact, many highly successful MLM business entrepreneurs swear by Twitter and its unrivaled ability to generate word-of-mouth buzz, thereby generating free leads.

First of all, do not underestimate the power of reaching potential customers in masses. Even if a large percentage of them are never going to be buying what you’re selling, reaching potential customers in bulk is the single most effective way to get your name out there, and in turn build up a comprehensive list of free leads.

5 August 2014

The One About The 'Joshua Bonehill/Hitler Downfall' Video

Just a few hours after convicted criminal and serial liar Joshua Bonehill (well known for publishing made up stories in his infamous Daily Bale, calling everyone disagreeing with him leftists, perverts, etc…,  his many fake Facebook pages and his many fake Twitter followers, among lots of other things) announced in a lengthy tweet that he would stop interacting with people on Twitter, I somehow got my hands on a template for those Hitler Downfall parodies videos that flooded the net a few years ago.
There was definitively no way I was going to pass a the golden opportunity to give that pathetic wannabe fuhrer the Downfall treatment, so another YouTube Hitler Downfall video was eventually made... and here it is:

6 May 2014

Joshua Bonehill's Hunger Strike: Another Porky From The Self-Proclaimed New Messiah? [Updated]

Joshua Bonehill's Hunger Strike: Another Porky From The Self-Proclaimed New Messiah?

When it comes to Joshua Bonehill's claims on the net, it's generally rather difficult to believe that they have actually any truth in them... I mean, he is not exactly known for his truthfulness, is he?

So, when I saw his recent post announcing that he was starting a 40 days and 40 nights hunger strike today, I couldn't but be slightly sceptical about the whole affair...

30 March 2014

How Facebook, Google And Twitter Sell You [Infographic]

"With free online services, you’re the product."

As we all know, there is no such thing as a free lunch. And Social media is no exception. 
While Google, Twitter and Facebook are, in theory, free to use, we do pay a price when making use of those free services... See how they make money out of us in today's infographic made by 

27 July 2013

More Great Questions Asked By The Tweeple In EDL's #AskTommyRobinson


If you're on this side of the Pond (and a Twitter user, obviously) , you might have noticed that the  #AskTommyRobinson tag has been trending since last night, That tag was apparently started because the so called leader of the, also so called, English Defence League, Tommy Robinson wanted to hold a Q&A session on Twitter. Considering that Tommy is well known for blocking a lot of the people who ask him questions he can't/won't answer, the point of having a Q&A sessions seemed a bit... well... yep... pointless.

That was until the Twitter community saw that tag as a great opportunity to tell him what they actually really think of him and his street movement, of course.

It's bound to be quite a few #AskTommyRobinson related lists being posted. Here are some that have already come to our attention:

(We will try to update this compilation as often as possible)
Anyway, here is our own list (made from randomly chosen tweets of people we follow and/or have previously posted in the #OccupyEDL tag) top list... Enjoy!

Loup Dargent

2 April 2013

YouTube shuts, Google sniffs, Twitter slims in this year's April Fool gags


(via AFP)

YouTube is shutting down, Twitter users have to pay for the use of vowels, and the new Google Nose search engine will bring a whiff of wet dog or daisies right to your computer or smartphone.

Smells fishy? These internet giants went all-out to try and bamboozle their users with April Fool's gags on the most mischievous day of the year.

YouTube, the world's largest video sharing site, revealed it had merely been an eight-year contest to find the best video and would be closing to review all entries. The winner would be announced in 2023.

"We are so close to the end. Tonight at midnight, will no longer be accepting entries. After eight amazing years, it is finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site and begin the process of selecting a winner,
said Tim Liston, named as "competition director."

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